The Winning Firehouse: Unwritten Rules to Great Culture
Michael Dozier
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Firehouse Culture is one of the most unquantifiable metrics on how effective a fire department will be. In a time when the minimum standard is often mediocrity, this class will dive into what it takes to create a winning culture inside the firehouse. Using intangible lessons learned serving as Captain at one of the busiest firehouses in the Southeast, the Instructor will lay out 10 unwritten rules for both Firefighters and Company Officers. These simple, straightforward expectations will ensure that a winning culture is cultivated among all members with the ultimate purpose of success around the Firehouse and on the Fireground. This class is suitable for all members from Probie up to Fire Chief.
Michael Dozier
Michael Dozier is a Career Captain with Horry County Fire Rescue and has been in the Fire Service since 2006. He currently serves as House Captain in Socastee, and he writes the Fire Service Blog “The Company Officer”. He is passionate about Company Officer Leadership and Firehouse Culture and has taught on the subject around the United States.