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Fire Service Improvement
Hands On Conference

Call for Presenters

This submission is for Fire Service Improvement Hands On Conference 2026. January 2026 in the Columbia Metro Area, S.C.


  1. Call for Presenters will be open until February 28, 2025.
  2. Training and Education Committee will meet to review entries.
  3. SCSFA Staff will notify you if your submittal was accepted.

Special Notes:

  1. The Association will provide accommodations for instructor cadre and make arrangements for apparatus and facilities. 
  2. The submitting training company or individual must provide a Certificate of Insurance and completed and up to date W-9 before any payment will be received.

 Entries into the form cannot be saved and retrieved later once submitted.

2026 Fire Service Improvement Conference Call for Presenters

Speaker Information


Program Information

Presentation Audience(Required)

Program Duration(Required)
Choose all that applies. Note - Our schedule for HOT programs are 1-day, 2-day and 3-day.
Tell us about the lead instructor and cadre.
The submitted cost must include all consumibles and other costs. The Association will arrange the use of apparatus and facilities only.


Travel is the responsibility of the submitor. The Association will provide accommodations at the host hotel.
Hotel Accomodations
If an additional instructor(s) is presenting this program with you, please provide name, address, phone, and bio.


Please provide one reference who is familiar with your work.