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The Truck Company Chauffeur (Setting Up for Success)

Ryan Murphy

Thursday, June 12, 2025  
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

A structure fire is dispatched, and you are driving the truck! Are you arriving on scene and just parking the apparatus or are you positioning it? Out of all the units on the fire ground, the truck company chauffeur has the least room for error. Knowing your truck in not only crucial for appropriate positioning, but also for proper operation. This class will cover straight stick and platform aerial apparatus including stabilizers, controls, forces, loads, overrides, access points, positioning, master streams, setup tips/techniques and more! Students will leave the classroom with a better understanding of the capabilities and limitations of different ladder trucks and will be given multiple ways to improve their setup and operation techniques on the fireground.

Ryan Murphy

Ryan Murphy began in the fire service as a volunteer in New Jersey 2008 and joined the Myrtle Beach Fire Department in 2015 where he holds the rank of Master Firefighter. He is currently assigned to Engine Company 3 on the Southside of the city and spent a majority of his earlier career on truck companies. He has served on several specialty teams including SC Regional Hazmat 2, MBFD Ocean Rescue and SC Task Force 1. Ryan is the VP of IAFF Local 2345, VP of Saltwater F.O.O.L.S., is a recruit school instructor and is an adjunct instructor for Truck Company Ops LLC. He has taught at SC Fire Service Improvement Conference and SC Fire Rescue. Ryan has a passion for training and is excited to pass it on!