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Fire-Rescue Call for Presenters

This submission is for Fire-Rescue 2026 

June 10-13, 2026, Myrtle Beach S.C.


  1. Call for Presenters will be open until September 30, 2025.
  2. Training and Education Committee will meet to review entries.
  3. SCSFA Staff will notify you if your submittal was accepted.

Special Notes:

  1. The Association reimburses for mileage. Rates are determined on the current Federal Per Diem Rate.
  2. The Association must have on file a completed and up to date W-9 before any payment will be received.

 Entries into the form cannot be saved and retrieved later once submitted.

Call for Presenters for Fire-Rescue 2025 has closed. This is for Fire-Rescue 2026, June 10-13, 2026.