Most trades don’t require conversations about preparing for the injury or death of a member of your team.
Unlike other industries and occupations where business initiatives are met by completing tasks and meeting goals, the primary goal of emergency services is the life and safety of the people they’ve been called to help—including their own.
The fire service has come a long way when it comes to health and safety, but this is still an inherently dangerous job. Line of duty deaths and injuries still occur. Are you prepared if tragedy strikes?
The South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association is hosting a free 3-day training on Line of Duty Preparedness. You have the option to attend a single day event, a combination of events, or all 3. Lunch is provided every day of the training.

Taking Care of Our Own—Wednesday, January 24
9 a.m.-5p.m.
Local Assistance State Team (LAST) Training—Thursday, January 25
9 a.m.-5p.m.
Leadership So Everyone Goes Home—Friday, January 26
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Denny Auditorium at the South Carolina FireAcademy

Taking Care of Our Own
Wednesday, January 24
Fire departments don’t know when they will have a line-of-duty death or serious injury. Do you have a plan in place? Do you know how to notify survivors in a timely and proper way? Are your personnel records current? Do you know how to access Federal, State, and local benefits?
Targeted for all fire service personnel, this course covers pre-incident planning, survivor notification, family and coworker support, and benefits and resources available for survivors.

Local Assistance State Team Training
Thursday, January 25
Everything that happens immediately after a line-of-duty death affects the way the family, the department, and the community recover from the loss. Lack of resources and planning often adds to the confusion and pain that occurs. The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation believes the best place for a department to turn for support is within its own state or region. Through a collaborative effort with the Department of Justice, the Foundation has developed resources and training to help establish state and regional Local Assistance State Teams (LAST) to assist in the event of a line-of-duty death. The primary objective of the LAST team is to provide assistance and comfort to the family and department after a line-of-duty death and to help with filing for Federal, state and local benefits.
The Local Assistance State Team training will cover the necessary basic information to familiarize team members with the process that occurs in assisting with a line of duty death. Team composition, logistical and operational considerations in the deployment of the teams, available resources and the possible benefits are a few of the areas that will be covered during this class.

Leadership So Everyone Goes Home
Friday, January 26
A course of the Everyone Goes Home® Program of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation designed to assist in the reduction of LODDs utilizing a series of case studies. Each study will include what happened, why it happened, what could have avoided it, were safety measures available and used, and how can we prevent this in the future. The benefit of this program is the review of cultural change or adaptive challenge, rather than just enacting a technical fix, which in most cases does not work. A great program for senior fire officers and administrative officers. This is learning from actual incidents!
This program is specifically designed for the more senior level fire officers who have had opportunities to be command officers at a wide variety of emergency incidents, including fires and hazardous materials responses. Utilizing case studies, the learning objectives become more real to life and the possibility of changing the organizational culture to reduce the possibility of deaths and injuries in the future.